Chicago CNC Noob ready to dive into the rabbit hole today!

If by bundle you are talking about the build kit that they sell in the store then that should have a power supply with it.

I saw your other topic about whether or not to do this and I think when you get started you are going to be surprised how simple everything ends up being. I’m an ME same as you and the electronics stuff had me a little nervous at first but it ended up being super simple. I made a post about it with some extra pictures that maybe will be helpful for you when you start to build (extra wiring pictures). It can be a little intimidating to ask questions about it on here for sure because a lot of people here know about a gillion times more than I do when it comes to this but hey it is what it is, might as well just try it. I haven’t put the stop switches on there yet though.

At the most simplistic level to get things moving you have one circuit for the X, one for the Y, and one for the Z.

o------[+ X1 -] ------ [- X2 +] -----o
o------[+ Y1 -] ------ [- Y2 +] -----o
o------[+ Z1 -] ------o

You want your two X motors and your two Y motors to move in lock step, but they need to rotate in opposite directions of the other. X1 needs to go clock wise and X2 needs to go CCW etc… Easiest way is wire them in series, but flip one motor so it spins the opposite way. Board sends out one signal for X and both motors get it and spin the correct direction (same for Y). Z only has one motor so its just plug and play in the board. Power the board and that’s literally all you need to get your machine drawing with a pen. Having the firmware pre loaded makes everything super easy.

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