Checking for heel and toe on

I’ve cut my struts and assembled my machine per my previous posts. I am proud of accomplishing it after quite some time in the build process. But I do seem to be having issues with being off by 1/16" of an inch or so if I want to cut, say a 4" circle. I am wondering if maybe heel and toe may be the issue? What exactly is heel and toe and how do I check for that?? I noticed that once I put the struts on, getting it all lined up was kind of difficult.

I have loctited my Y and Z screws but I have not loctited my X screws…I assume that if my X screws were the problem, that I would have skew, not consistent measurement deficiencies?

Now that I officially have the LR3 built, I also want to dive right into the LR4 lol.

Thanks again for all your fantastic support here on the forum! I am learning a LOT.

If you think of the YZ plate as a foot, the “heel” is the back wheel part and the “toe” is the front. When we say to check these, we mean the distance between. Put a tape measure on one side and measure the distance across, then measure the other side. The two measurements need to be close. Identical is ideal, meaning that both YZ plates are perfectly parallel, but a small discrepancy is acceptable.

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Thank you very much!