what are the processes for changing broken tool bits mid job with the skr touchscreen and re probing. i read something a while ago about it but can’t find it anymore
If you can change the tool without disturbing the router, then you will only need to re-home Z after the tool change. But if whatever caused the tool to break also caused a missed step, or if the X and Y holding current shut off before you can change the tool, you’re better off re-homing all three axis.
As far as re-starting the cut, you’ll need to estimate where In the g-code the tool broke, then edit the file to start just before that point (delete all the movement prior to that point, you may have to insert a travel move from 0,0 to the re-start position)
Odds are that there might be a slight mismatch at the re-start location, so if you can re-start at a corner rather than in the middle of a line, you might get a cleaner transition.
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