Carbon Fiber MPCNC in Switzerland

It’s been a bit over a year since I had to disassemble my old 525 because it wouldn’t have fit in the new apartment. Ever since then I was thinking about how to bring it back to fit in the space availlable to me now…

For the last couple of months I have been measuring spaces, moving things around and even gone so far as to sell a machine that I haven’t been using much anymore, an old chopsaw!
Well I found a small space under my workbench where the new MPCNC can stay. It can only have a 300mm*220mm workspace, but that fits my other plans for this build just perfectly :smiley:

Small and rigid!

2 days ago I started printing parts, so far all of them from Fiberlogy Carbon Fiber PETG.
As you can see in the image below, the first print on the left had some major overextrusion issues, but after a couple of iterations all the settings are dialed in quite well :slight_smile:

I love the matte dark grey with this slight sheen of carbon fiber filaments :heart:

The 2.5kg spool also needed a bit of a special setup to print…

I have about 600g of Prusament PCCF left over from another project and was thinking about printing the core from that. That would leave me with ~100g left on the spool, what other parts would you recommend to be printed out of PCCF?
I was thinking the Z axis parts?


Ryan is going to have the best info on what parts get the most stress. Personally, I’d do the tool mount in PCCF. I’ve broken my mount a couple of times, and ended up beefing it up somewhat.

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Unfortunately, the last time I took a look most CF PETG was less rigid than regular PLA. The best you are going to get is some added heat resistance.

So far I printed all the parts with 2.1mm thick walls, that should help with rigidity. If it turns out that some parts are still not stiff enough I can reprint them from CF HTPLA or PCCF…

Torsion box base

Filled the chambers with PU construction foam, 2 were left empty for the electronics

Cables are managed :smiley:

To do:
Connect the electronics
Install the wasteboard/T-track
Install firmware
Get it calibrated


Looks solid! Why the foam?

It’s supposed to dampen sound and vibrations. No idea if it will do anything, but it also didn’t cost much…

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Wasteboard is done :slight_smile:


And I also mounted the brackets that will let it sit under the workbench when not in use:

I’ll probably add some small drawers under the bench for bits and stuff…


It will help a little, at least it will stop the table amplifying sound, it won’t do anything for the airborne variety. Think of a guitar or violin body, the sound boxes are actually tuned to amplify the sound in a specific way. Our tables are like cheap ukuleles!

I thought about randomly spacing the webs in my last table to give a variety of pitches of resonance for each square, in the hope that they would magically cancel each other out, but then I looked at the maths involved and thought… nope! :rofl:

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It’s finished!
Calibration is done, crown drawn, ready to get it dirty :smiley:

And I made a little drawer that holds all the accessories: