Can not see "New Topic" button

Created a new topic to discuss this so we didn’t clutter up the other topic. It looks like you have Basic access so I believe you should be able to create a topic?

If you’re looking on a computer, the create topic button is in the lower right corner:

On mobile, it’s a bit more obvious.

If it’s still not there, soneone will have to take a closer look.


@BenP As above, + in the bottom right on PC browser. When you hover over it, it should expand to say ‘new topic’.

If you can’t find it, maybe reply with a screenshot of what you can see.

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I don’t see it in this view (looking at the posts in this topic) , but it comes back when I’m viewing the list of topics.

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Thanks to all of you for your help, I have been racking my brain on this for days!!!
My assumption (wrong) was that I had to be inside a category to post something in there + was expecting a “New Topic” icon on the top right side of the window (near the chat, search,… area).
Going out of the category and now realizing that the “+” red icon become fully red instead of shadowy means that I can start a new topic from there!

Again, your support is much appreciated!!


This has come up a few times before… don’t remember where.

Typically the issue happens because you aren’t in a specific subcategory…

If you click one of these headers, the button is enabled.

But if you click one of the headers that is not an actual subcategory, like these

Then you’ll end up with a view like this, and a gray button:

because you aren’t actually fully in a subcategory


Saying it differently, you don’t get a “new topic” button when you’re down inside a specific topic.

(This seems like a changed behavior to me, by the way. I swear it used to present this option)

From the top level view, you do get a the “New topic” button.