CAM Software for MAC os

Does anyone use or know of some user friendly software for MAC

Estlcam needs to be run in parallels, AFAIK.

Fusion 360 should work. With the flyfischer post processor.

Kiri:moto is web based, so that should work too.

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Thanks, I guess I will try Fusion again , the last time I tried to use the CAM function nothing I did work make it work, I kept getting errors, and I could not tell you what they are now. I guess if I hit any now, I will see if someone has had that issue before.

I have ZERO real life CAM experience, but was mucking around with Kiri:Moto to try to get the hang of CAM and found it pretty Mac user-friendly with a good support network. (I’m a GUI not numbers kind of person).

I had a look at running Parallels, but the cost of the OS and the mucking around was about the same as some of the “lesser” commercial products - depending on your situation “not free” might be a worthwhile option to explore as well.

Please do come back and let’s know what works for you.

Will do! I am messing with Fusion360 right now, looking at just some easy tutorials for like basic cutting for engraving letters.

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