Starting this topic as a place to keep track of my build as it goes. I got the steel today, and have to cut it to length. I work as systems administrator for a company that sells structural steel, so I picked up 40’ of 1" .065 wall tube for a bit over mill wholesale. Unfortunately the stuff is too light to cut on the saw, so I’ll have to do that myself.
I had done about 90% of the design work for a similar project. Much more utilitarian in appearance,and still plenty of unknowns in how well it was going to work when I found the MPCNC on Thingiverse and decided that it’s probably a better bet. Honestly, after looking I was starting to think LR2, but in the end, I believe that the MPCNC Primo is going to be the best machine for the things that I want to do with it. It is most similar to what I was looking at designing anyway in terms of capability.
I have several kg of filament, but it’s all PETg, which is what I use for almost everything nowadays. I still have my older 3D printer which does PLA really well, but is hopeless with PETg for some reason that I never did properly diagnose. I have a couple of partial spools of PLA left, but not enough.
So I have decided that I’ll purchase the printed parts, hopefully this is supporting V1. A few other things that I don’t have and are proving hard to find will be on the order as well. 10mm GT2 16t pulleys are difficult to source, and the 10mm smooth idlers are shockingly expensive from my regular suppliers, so I’ll add those to the order to help get over the shipping hurdle. Still shipping to Canada so it’s not free, but I’ll take what I can get. I was going to order today, but a flat tire turned out to be expensive (hole in sidewall, not a simple puncture repair) and suddenly I’m out a few hundred dollars for 2 new tires, because they can’t match the ones I have. It’ll have to be Monday.
I have a few electronics solutions. I had thought about using a Duet Wifi as a controller, but given that there seems to be much better support for Marlin, I’ll go with a Gen L that I have lying around and install RAMPS. I don’t have the 12864 full graphic controller, I have a 2004 discount controller, but I believe that this will be good enough. It will allow my the SD card to run headless, and I can use one of the many 24V PSUs that I have. I do need one more stepper driver, so I was going to replace the A4988 drivers with DRV8825 ones. A little more current handling will be a good thing.
Aside from that, I have a large box of 5/16"x1.5" bolts, nylock and conventional 5/16" nuts, 608 skate bearings, 5mm screws. I think they’re pan-head, might be socket cap, 5mm nylock nuts and regular nuts, a variety of wood screws T8 threaded rod, couplers, nuts.
I’m split on ordering new motors. I still have a couple of brand new, never used high torque steppers, and a few more that have been run a while, including one that the wire harness got a little overheated. It probably doesn’t matter if the motors exactly match X to Y to Z axis, though it’s probably best if both X motors and both Y motors are as close a match as possible. I don’t want to re-use the motors that I swapped out from my 3D printer, so I’ll be ordering a couple new motors as well.
So this is day 1 of my build. I’m not rushing, and I expect that there will be some transit time for parts being ordered. I may end up printing parts like legs in PETg if I get impatient, if for no other reason than to start marking off bolt locations nice and square.
I have a couple of Dremel tools, One is a 4000, which may be adequate. I have a knock-off as well that is reasonably powerful, and I will probably use that, at least initially. If it proves inadequate, then I’ll get the DW660, which was my plan but, unexpected expenses mean I have to economize somewhere. Honestly, I should just buy the PLA, or make do with PETg printed parts. I do feel that it’s important to support people who do the groundwork for these things though.
So wish me luck while I teach myself the software end of things, and I hope to be making chips with this thing in time to make Christmas presents.