BTT TFT35 „illegal User App“

Hi all.

Yesterday I set up my SKR Pro V1.2 Board.
All flashed, connection established…all good.

I connected and flashed the screen, I had the marlin mode and the touch mode…after some exploring of the menu I got the error message „illegal user App!“

Since then, I’m not able to do anything with the screen. I tried to flash it new and also tried to use the GD btt config….

I’m a bit lost at the moment!
Anyone gut a suggestion?

Thank you. I appreciate it

Where did the parts come from? If it was from Ryan’s shop there is no need to flash it.
It is unusual to end up broken the way you describe.

I’d first try re-flashing with Ryan’s firmware from here:

Pick the one for your use case (CNC or Printer).

If that fails, then there is a factory reset option by putting a special file on an empty SD card.
I’ll have to look that up if a re-flash doesn’t fix it for you.

Hi Jim, Thanks for the reply.

I formated a fresh 32GB Sd-card to exfat (Im on Mac)
I put the files in the root folder, but suddenly no flashing.

Same error report.

Cannot be ExFAT. Has to be FAT32.

Thank you very much! Up and running again. I feared I bricked something. On Mac the fat formats are named a bit different. It’s simply FAT and not FAT32. Thank you very much for your help!

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