Brush Holder

Nothing too fancy here, but my first “complex” milling operation yet on a LR3/LR4, and first project completely done on the CNC minus a quick sand at the end and applying finish.

Up until this point I have really only been doing part cutouts, but decided to get into something a bit different. Made a little dish to hold a OXO brush/soap dispenser by the kitchen sink. Used 2D adaptive clearing for the inner dish to give the step down. Used a 1/4in bit for that, as well as the cutout on the front and the part cutout. Ran around 600mm/min and 3mm DOC, with the router on speed 1.5-2. I think the next time I do something with a step down like this I will try using a ball end mill to smooth out the ramp. This was an off cut from a previous project so always great to turn scraps into something useful.


I love it!