As you’ve already alluded to, the Lowrider requires 5 stepper motors and ideally 5 drivers. It may be possible by sharing a driver but I don’t know.
I will note that at the moment, the Rodent leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. It’s running FluidNC but they appear to not support the project. I have seen some info that maybe RatRig will support FluidNC.
Ryan sells his own FluidNC board the Jackpot, developed with help from Bart Dring, of FluidNC. This is the board that I use on my LR3.
The Jackpot and the SKR Pro 1.2 are the boards you will find the most support for on in this forum.
Bart also sells his own popular FluidNC boards such as the 6 Pack with a few variations:
With a FluidNC based board, you have a few options. Typically, this is used via the WebUI interface running on a computer, phone, tablet, etc. There is also a pendant called FluidDial.
And it’s CYD variant:
They are currently working on a touchscreen interface using an Elecrow 7" touchscreen but it might be awhile until that is complete.
By making your driver run 2 steppers you will lose auto squaring. Definitely want 5 drivers. Sooo much better! I ran a mpcnc with series steppers. Cannot imagine lr that way!
Frankly if building an LR4 you should get a Jackpot.
BTT does nothing to support the FluidNC developers and the board will arrive with a really old and not well supported version of FluidNC.
If you want to use FluidNC, you should use a board that works well with it. A Jackpot or one of Bart Dring’s boards is a far better choice (e.g. the Bart 6-pack series)
The only trouble is the 4 drivers. So you would have to change the Z or Y axis to be serial wiring. It is possible. We used to do that on all machines. I would recommend 24V power supply and you will lose auto squaring. I think we could get a pretty good debate about which axis should be serial. I would do Z. But a lot of smart people would prefer Y.
What would have been easier and much nicer is if they had made the board with 5 drivers lol. Its cool and all, but I don’t see a need for this over the jackpot board. I am probably running higher amps than most and still not close to the max for a 2209 so the higher amperage drivers really don’t gain us anything more. Plus the motors aren’t rated for near that amperage either.
This is hearsay.
My belief is that Ryan has talked to BTT about FluidNC and possibly making Jackpots, and that there was a genuine deficit of them understanding the ecosystem.
BTT didn’t seem to understand why 5 or 6 drivers would be a benefit.
BTT didn’t seem to like or understand the special ESP-32 I2C mux capabilities that Bart’s 6-pack and Ryan’s Jackpot use.
BTT wants to package things with thier “EZ” steppers and other parts of their ecosystem.
So partly I think it’s a case of BTT not really grokking what could/should be in a good board for this niche use.