Bicolor french build

Hi there !

I discovered MPCNC while looking for an affordable CNC mostly printed. Indeed it is, I had some spare parts from my 3D printer (P3 Steel “Logresse”) and an inextinguishable will to play around with that kind of machine.

Combined with a few steel tube (25 x 2mm, 8 x 1m) I am on my way to build a 1m² cnc with a working area of 736 x 736 x 215 mm.

On last december I started to gather required stuff and printed parts. Today I just completed the whole printing step :

A few parcels are still on their way like spindle and drill bits but they should arrive by the end of the week.

Anyway, thank you all for that awesome community and greetings to Ryan for sharing his work :slight_smile:


Nice color combo, black and yellow will look good when it’s assembled!

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Thanks, it should have the same pattern as official render but yellow instead of red. I already use these two colors for the 3D printer.

I can’t wait to build it !