Best way to “waterproof” MDF

Yea, I did notice the one wall that is still block in the garage gets pretty warm.

On my workbench I took some CZ glue and spread it down and hit it w/ the activator. Quickest thing ever and works for the top at least.

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The guy has good content, but I just can’t watch his videos anymore. I made it through about half of this one.

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I watch some videos just because of the style. AvE has such an abrasive style, it is hard to watch. Half the stuff he says is funny. The rest is awful.

This was a very good look at it though. The only tidbit you need to know is the bags and trash cans didn’t melt before the fire started. That is suspect.

The rest of the arguments (only showing one angle, already being mic’ed up, exaggerating the initial anecdote by saying it was after midnight) are interesting, but a bit weak.

I grew up around the military, then when in Alaska, oil field folks, like AvE, so my sense of humor is pretty much the same as his. :rofl:

He brings up good points though. The will rags get hot as hell before going poof. Those plastic bags and trash cans should have been melting/deforming long before fire started.

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Right, so the video being critiqued is phony as a $3 bill, but the danger of oily rags is real.

I know that those rags will smoke and smoulder for a while before there are visible flames. I have seen rags that weren’t actual cotton have the polyester fibres melted out of them, and a plastic stir stick that got accidentally thrown in the rag bin deformed.

All of those events happened in a professional wood shop, 2 of them resulted in the summary dismissal of employees. (Ignoring the big “Do Not” signs is a bad idea folks.) None of them resulted in damage to more than the rags in the bin, and one was a demonstration of why the shop policy on the rag bin was important.


Yea, I’m not saying oily rags don’t spontaneously combust, just the examples shown are fake. Our oily rag bins were metal, and posted beside the roll up doors for a reason.