Beginner question (electrical config)

Well, I am in the dark a bit but downloaded the “Crown” and put that in am using that. So that is Ryans gcode by my thinking.

Will have a read of that and have another look, ie the milling basics.

I wonder if I am not drawing a crown the size of a mosquito or some other folly? I imported in inches but will start again from scratch and try again.

Got a few mozzies buzzing around too.


I meant this test file:

And the settings are in estlecam basics.

Thanks again you guys.

Got it going this morning.

Redid the tool to move faster. The buzzy initial problem was the fact that the Z axis is very very slow to move the down distance and that threw me.

I also have the X axis back to front as the crown drew from right to left but that is an easy one.

Thanks again.
