Availability of the LR2 bundle?


Any idea when the LR2 bundle will be available for purchase? I’m afraid I’m going to spend my money on loose wimmin and cheap whiskey!


I try to put some up everyday. Typically I take today off but I will try to get some more up today.

Thanks Ryan. I have been checking several times each day for the past week, but either they don’t last long, or my browser isn’t refreshing the page properly. I’ll keep on trying.

Thanks Ryan. I have been checking several times each day for the past week, but either they don’t last long, or my browser isn’t refreshing the page properly. I’ll keep on trying. Is there a way I can reserve a kit? Kinda like a wish-list, which pops it into the shopping trolley when parts are available?

They have made it several hours the last few days, one day they made it 23 hours. The first day after the move I sold ten in an hour. Best time to check is the evenings. I ship orders until about 3, and then pack kits. Sorry there is now way for me to do a pre-order system at this time, it always causes a headache on my end with an overwhelming amount of emails.

No worries. Since evenings are geo-specific, where are you?
