Hey all. There is an Arduino servo control board/hat I want to order but they don’t ship to Canada. Does anyone feel like receiving these and forwarding them on to me via USPS? Let me know in the thread or by DM. No rush or urgency.
Idk if it helps but there are companies in the usa you can order from and they hold the package for you. Then you drive down pick it up and take it a cross.
Usually if it’s under 100 usd they don’t charge duty.
Ship happens
P &d pub
Are a couple places I use in oroville. The usa has a waaay better shipping system than Canada.
We saw a few of those at the border when we came back from Denver in the spring. It’s a good 6-7 hour hike for me to get to the border sadly. A bigger purchase I’d definitely make the journey though.
Good lord, how long was the Denver trip??? Denver from the northern border is quite a hike!
The Denver trip was a blur. A friend and I left my place at 5am on March 28th and we were back home by 10pm on March 31st. We did pause in Denver long enough to pick up what we went down for (my ice machine) but more importantly to have pizza and beer with Jeff! Highlight of the trek for sure
I love how everyone visits who he/she can when they are close. Best community ever.
But no one comes to Michigan ;(
Well that does it then! Party in Michigan at Riley’s place! What day works for everyone?
More the merrier, smashburgers on the blackstone!
Smash burgers are so good !!
Rightttt, with bacon and Cheese, and lettuce, and pickle, and onion, oh my!
(Guess I might be hungry)
Okay, what the f… is a smash burger?
It is a hamburger. But during cooking, one step is to smash it into the griddle. They are crispy, saltier, and thinner than regular burger patties. There is a restaurant (at least in Colorado) that is called Smashburger, but you can make them better at home.