Anyone able to help me do something in FreeCAD? (Cribbage peg spacing)

I’ve managed to get the following

Three curves, with a cylinder duplicated 120 times along each path with a Path Array

Except… I want to have a bit more space between every 5 holes

Thoughts on how to accomplish this without laying out EVERY hole manually?

Right now this is a path of two simple arcs, but I’d like to make it follow more complex paths going forward

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I’m closer.

A 3x5 grid, cloned 24 times…just not aligned properly

What about adding in dummy cylinders for spacing, but just not doing any CAM for them? Make them 143 repeated pegs along the curves, then ignore every sixth peg.


That’s the recommendation I was going to make.

If you want tighter spacing between groups, figure out the spacing between adjacent pegs, multiply by something greater than 5 but less than 6, then set up 5 different sequences along the paths, each starting one peg spacing from the previous. Then there will be that slightly larger than one peg spacing between the nth peg of sequence 5 and n+1th peg of sequence 1.

For greater than one peg’s spacing, multiply by greater than 6…

This is probably the more complicated way to do it, but also the most flexible if you think you’ll be doing cribbage boards with varied spacing.

I’ve attached what I have so far.

I have it parametric, so I can enter new width, spacing, and thickness.

I just have the slightly off angled 3x5 blocks…

if anyone wants to play around… try and get it better…

Cribbage - (164.9 KB)

Hi there, I’ve also been working on figuring out the best way to do crib board designs. I’ve had some success making a sketch of the 3 x 5 holes with the hole pattern symmetrical around the origin. Then if I go to the Draft workbench, I can make a path to follow with the sketch of 15 holes using a path array.

In the path array, choosing a tangent mode allowed the blocks of 15 holes to be placed on the path and have then oriented tangent to the line. Since I made the sketch of 15 holes symmetrical around the origin, the group of holes is tangent based on the hole at the centre of that pattern. Every time I tried to use an array to create the 15 holes from 1 hole or a group of 5 holes, the tangent path mode would be based on one of the holes on the corner of the block of holes, so it did not follow the line as well.

I was really hoping to find a way to have the holes spaced out around the curves so that they remain aligned with the adjacent hole, but so that the holes on the outside of a curve are further apart than the holes on the inside of a curve. This is how it is on many standard crib boards. I haven’t found a way to do that yet without using a separate polar array around the corners. I don’t know how to combine the path array for some parts of a design, and also use a polar array around corners and curves. I hoped I could automate that so it could be adapted to different shaped paths, but maybe it’s just a tedius manual design process

When I find how to attach a file, I’ll share my progress. Any input is appreciated


Pretty wild stuff I use free cad love it but I am very basic.
I believe you can attach zip files here and I think that’s the norm work around.
The array feature is so neat to me !

I tried to upload my file so that others could see what I’m doing and offer some feedback, but as a new user to this forum, I’m not able to upload files (I’m not sure when this restriction gets lifted, but right now I get a message pop up).

I tried to include a link to download my file, but I apparently can’t post links either. This forum is proving to not be that helpful


This is something really unfair to say. Everyone is offering help and in the discourse forums you have to have some posts and a few posts read so you can’t spam or upload malicious files since they are mostly community run. Also, not all file types are supported.

You can check the requirements for the next level when looking at the badges, it’s not that high.

Get to trust level 1 by…

  • Entering at least 5 topics
  • Reading at least 30 posts
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

Well, I appologize and retract my comment, Phillipp. I don’t really use any forums and don’t know the rules about usership. I was just annoyed that when I came across a topic related to the problem I was trying to solve, I couldn’t share what I was working on to get some feedback. I guess I was just impatient.

While I was writing this reply, I actually achieved user level 1, but I still don’t seem to be able to attach a file.

I guess I’ll just need to keep poking around until I get to the next level

Sorry for the bad first impression


Hello @Dana_Sweeney, welcome to the forum!

Sorry, am unable to help with FreeCAD. However, am able to provide info on how to do the following using Fusion 360 free edition if that helps? If you/someone is interested in details, let me know…

This was a quick 10-15min hack, I didn’t pay much attention to spacing, or correct number of holes even :slight_smile:


Thanks. I know how one can get annoyed if something is not working and you know it should. I have been fighting with an excel spreadsheet for weeks and it doesn’t do what I want. :smiley:

Check the file type. You can upload a zip, a dxf, a jpeg, but I think for instance not PDFs. It really depends. :smiley: zip the file and you should be able to upload it. :slight_smile:


Yo, I build Excel alllllllllll day long. What are you trying to do?


Idk if it’s helpful but I tried using freecad paths and it was pretty cumbersome. So I just ended pairing it with estlcam.

You have two sheets. One sheet has a list of all the classes students have picked. I want all the students that picked one subject, for instance, English, in a new sheet without having emtpy lines. I tried vlookup, but it only gets me student 15 in line 15 in the new sheet and not in 1 if the first 14 didn’t choose English.

What version of excel? Older than 2016 or newer?

Also, how are the lists set up? Students in one column repeated for each class with class in another column?
Students in a unique list in one column with each selected class in a different column?

Does the result order matter?

I haven’t put any thought into what you’re doing, but with the Excel Lookups, there is the exact match option at the end. I frequently run into issues where the default setting for that screws me.

If it’s something that doesn’t need to be super automated, that sounds like a good use of pivot tables, too…

I thought you could just cntrl f and copy all matches.
As in like cntrl f “English” then copy and paste on the new sheet.

Probably worth opening a new thread in #random-or-off-topic instead of derailing this troubleshooting one.

Where were we? You need to upload files in a .zip unless they are one of the accepted types. Sorry for the pain. The forum software is better than ever, but it is still just dumb software.

The forum members and community are amazing and super helpful. Just be patient.