Any suggestions/advice on how to keep stepper wires out of the way?

I’m making progress through my first MPCNC build. I was curious as to what I should be doing to keep the stepper wires stable and out of the way - are there any suggestions or pics/advice on how I should manage the wiring?

Cable chains and “the tape measuerer trick” (search the forums) are common approaches. I’ve got a string and a spring tied to the open floor joist over my basement work area to suspend the bundle of cords that run to the gantry. For X and Y I’ve run them through the conduits so they end up at the side and back of the machine outside of the work envelope.

I use the ‘tape measure trick’ on my x and y. I 3d printed a bracket to mount some L shaped aluminum across the X axis to run one for the z also.

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The tape measure trick seems perfect - is there a printable mount compatible with the Primo? I didn’t see any that were confirmed for Primo, would love to get a rec for all three axes.

I made one for mine for X and Y but never uploaded it. I can do that later.

Cable chains are the cleanest. I was too lazy and wanted a quick and dirty method. Wire organizer clips. Adhesive or nail down

That may be an affiliate link.

Here’s mine.

Use one of these on each end to hold the aluminum.

I drilled small holes on the bottom of the L two at the end where the tape measure starts and two closer to the middle (but not in the middle). Then I used small zip ties to hold the tape measure down.

I used cable chains on the X Y and a shoe lace to hold up the router cord and vack hose on Z from the rafter no fancy spring for me yet :upside_down_face: