Alubeast Austria

Hello, my name is Markus and I live in Austria. I have been pursuing the hobby of 3D printing, CO2 laser and CNC milling for many years now and I have somehow always strived for the final development. My MPCNC has been finished for 6 months now. As far as possible, I had all the printed parts made of aluminum recreated and I also moved away from the 608 bearings to linear bearings in order to achieve freedom from play. Instead of the tubes, I use 25 mm finely ground steel shafts from specialist retailers. I use a ball screw as the z spindle. The belts have a width of 15mm and 90mm steppers work on all axes with a maximum load of 2.8A. I use a Mafell 1000 watt as the milling motor. Everything is controlled via the Skr Pro Board in conjunction with a Raspberry Pi 4 via octoprint.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.

Greetings from Austria





So, technically not really an MPCNC. :smiley: But pretty impressive nonetheless. :slight_smile:


Very nice MCNC’dCNC! Appreciate hearing what best bang for buck performance/quality gains you discovered on your build journey. Cheers!

Hello. I only work on wood and, as long as there is no user error, I cut softwood at speeds of 2500mm/min. I also love milling reliefs and the machine sometimes has to work for hours or even days and does so very precisely and fail-safe. The Raspberry was a really huge leap in this regard. Bearing motors for spindles were purchased on Ali express. The mafell is from Germany and a really great product. Unfortunately it costs a small fortune. The coals have to be replaced every 1-2 years. Unfortunately, I don’t use the machine as often as I should. shame on me


WOW, how adorable!!!

Damn! This is one nice bird feeder, I’m jealous! Mine aren’t anywhere near that :smiley:

I think my birds would be afraid of grtting it dirty not to mention squirrels :grinning:

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Fantastic machine build and a great bird feeder!

Very nice work all around.


Great work!

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Here are my designes to use linear bearing for a Standard Mpcnc