Acrylic Troubleshooting

Jason - when you say it’s not tracking straight, is that your diagnosis based on the bumpy/wavy edge? Or do you see some other issue? My tubes are 35.25" for X and Y. I set it up for 4 inches of Z travel and I used the calculator. I can’t recall how long the Z rails are exactly, but I think it’s like 11" or so.

Barry - when I tried trochoidal milling I got what I’d describe as a shark tooth edge. I don’t really know which trochoidal parameters do what. Any idea of a starting point for the trochoidal milling settings in Estlcam? I’m guessing I need to go with a slower spindle speed, right? I will be getting a PID controller soon.

Other Jason - I wonder if the difference is mostly due to the cutting length of the two end mills being different? Mine is supposed to have .87" cutting length, while the one in the link you shared is .4". Just a guess. I appreciate the ideas for the settings!

I’m traveling for work today, but I will try tweaking the settings some more tomorrow or on Thursday. Thanks!