Accu-Cut XL Hooks (for hanging on my LowRider 2 MPCNC table)

I designed and printed 5 of these hooks for hanging my Accut-Cut XL track on my LowRider 2 MPCNC’s table. I needed a place to store the track when not in use that was both out of the way and accessible when needed.

To see my table design for my LowRider 2 MPCNC, check out my thread on the V1 Engineering Forum, here: Doug Joseph (Design8Studio) Full-Sheet LowRider 2 "Build on a Budget" - #6 by DougJoseph

Using 1 1/4" drywall screws (black, course thread), I attached these to my torsion box at the junctions where vertical wood sheets meet horizontal wood sheets. That way the full length of the screws had wood.

Prints with no supports needed.

I have my printers all set so the .4 nozzles emulate .6 nozzles as far as output goes, so when these were printed with 3 perimeter walls, the thickness is the same as 4.5 walls. They are sturdy enough, even with infill at only 30%.

Note: my table is 9’ long, which is longer than the Accu-Cut XL, so my fifth hook does nothing to help. The XL’s starter plate just hovers over it, touching nothing. I may do something about that at some point in the future, but for now it seems fine.


Those look great, but you’re falling behind… We’re all mounting our saws to the wall now:


I am pretty intent on making that wall mounted saw slide rig. Ordered a saw for it already, and I am gathering what I need that is already in hand and sourcing what I don’t yet have. I also already paid for the plans from the Japanese site (guy who showed his in that video). Price in US dollars for the plans (at PayPal’s exchange rate) was something like $10.50.

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