Nothing too fancy, quick simple project with just a bit of fancy carving on the roof
Perfect alibi for trying my new 6mm ball bits
I really envy your Fusion skills. I wish I was like, 0.1 times as good. I am better at 2D drawing and 2.5D thinking. 3D modelling is hard.
Love the roof panels!
I would say that is an 8/10 fancy, nothing simple about it. You have joinery and carving in the same project.
Same. Although I can very easily think of 3d designs but my software skills are near a zero right now
The initial plan was to include some dovetails for the roof top, but I’m not quite ready for this just yet
With this, it would definitely reach an 8 or 9 though!
Making a second/bigger one right now…
I changed the CAM to have faster and deeper cuts… sweet sweet shavings
I also changed the CAM for the roof tiles, taking a first 3D parrallel pass with 3mm DOC and 3mm wide stepover, and then a second faster parrallel operation with a fine 0.3mm stepover
It’s 3x faster, and a lot easier on the bit
i might try to add a laser-cut inlay if I’m filling brave, just to get that extra fancy-point
Apparently, my previous feeders were a bit too small , so… XL version time…
Parts layed out flat with the great mapboards pro plugin
My wife has been making ceramic tiles she wants to put on the roof, but we need a handful more of these
Can you tell me what bit you used for this please? I’ve been struggling to get such a good finish on similar dished design.
Just regular 6mm ball end mills
You need to be very mindful of the toolpath though, as you need to make a 3D carve and have a good finish
As stated in the second one I made, for the tiles, I made a first pass with 3D adaptative cleaning and rough 1mm step-down and .3-.5mm stock to leave, both axial and radial, and then a second pass with a “3D parrallel” operation, 90° from the previous direction, for the finish
For the dish it’s just a 3d adaptative clearing, 3mm rough stepdown, .3mm fine stepdown, no finishing pass