A New LR3 Build

Ha, I did make the vroom vroom noise!

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It’s alive!


Wire extensions all connected and we have full smooth run of the table! Mach3 pendant working well. And… in the process of printing a gazillion drag chain links to get these cables under control.

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It may not matter for your printer. But I found printed drag chains would slowly make turns because of the skew in my printer. So I printed them pointing in multiple cardinal directions so the tiny skew is cancelled out.

Yep. Found that out today. I was printing and printing lots of links and then I started to notice a slight bend. Very slight. But if you’re printing 8’ of little links the bend just gets more pronounced. So…I may try to flip them as you suggested (and a thought I had this evening as well), or…might just save a week of printing and just Amazon the chains. Sometimes just because we can do something it doesn’t mean it’s the best way to do it. Appreciate your input.

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Started doing some pen testing of the cnc tonight. After a couple hours of, how in the hell did I set up Mach3 on the last machine I built to get the x and y all aligned up because I obviously forgot…. Then I remembered. This controller box that came with my 6040 cnc was wired wrong. They flipped the breakout boards in the factory. So, several years ago I figured that out after a lot of bad words and glaring at the thing but forgot it.

Now with that not so insignificant bit of information we’re working great.

My current state of wire management; the dangly hang it from the rafters method.

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Looking good. :+1:

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Working on some cable management. Designed a few mount clamps, printed them up, and then used some painted 1” pvc pipe that I ran through the bandsaw to open up a channel for the wires. Still lots of fine tuning to do but getting there. I like a really clean sleek machine.


Wow! That is some pretty good resolution for this diy cobbled together cnc with a scrap bin parts pen holder.



And a bigger test. And… hopefully start making some wood chips this weekend.


Nice pen setup with built in retraction for adjustability!

Thanks, Doug. It can double as a drag knife holder too. Fun stuff.

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I absolutely love the dot matrix printer paper. I grew up in late 80s early 90s and those printers have a lot of nostalgia. We used to print banners with ascii clip art in the orientation you have and hang them up at birthday parties. Maybe I need to find some and make a few banners on my LR.


I did the same, except my banners were church related.

About 20 years ago I was working for an office that was clearing out a storage room. In the back was a big box of tractor feed dot matrix paper that they were going to throw away. Before it went in the dumpster I grabbed the box and have been using it for odd projects for years. For this CNC it’s perfect for testing long code.


Print Shop!!!

Used to run that as far back as our Commodore 64


C64 fans? Let’s make some noise!

POKE 54296, 15

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And moving on to dust control; had a family member that was tossing out an old Dyson vac. The thing was broken but I saved it for parts. Primarily this incredibly nice hose. It’s wire coiled, light, and expands 3 or 4 times its compressed state. Now to mount the separator and small shop vac.