611 Plate Hole Pattern

The hole pattern on the 611 plate for mounting the router is 60mm center to center. The hole pattern on my DWP611 router base is 61mm center to center. So did they change something or am I missing something?

I can always make new holes, just wondering.

My CAD is showing 60.

I will have to take another look, no one has mentioned this before.

Double checked then triple checked! Either I’ve got the wrong router or dewalt recently tweaked the design?

I had to drill out one of the mounting holes to get the screw to line up, but I also found out my mpcnc got out of square before I cut the plate. I mean, i found out after cutting the plate.

Try a different measuring device? I’m never surprised to find different measuring tools showing different numbers sadly. I haven’t looked either but are there drawings available for the bases that would show the intended bcd?

I brief google search didn’t turn up any schematics but I did just notice this in the user manual

Not recommended for use in a router table.


Triple checked just isn’t good enough, eh?! The 611 plate is cut to proper dimensions as measured by calipers and rulers. The holes don’t line up, I’ll just have to embiggen the holes.

Haha, scrap the program! I remember mine were tight but they worked to fit the router to the plate. Good luck.

Well for the next version I will change it. After I triple check. I have a feeling I measured the screws did the math and assumed 60 since it was closer to that than any imperial measurement. Dan got me thinking about a few minor revisions for the LR anyway. So maybe sooner than later.

It’s weird that this is the first you would have heard of it. Maybe they just recently changed it for some reason. To make it back/forward compatible you might just change them to oblong holes to accept a small range of hole spacing.

I modified this 611 plate to accept hole spacing from 59mm to 62mm square.
New_611_Plate.zip (4.6 KB)

I remember having trouble fitting mine (vaguely). But I was using a downcut bit, so I didn’t drill them on the cnc. I just touched the spot and came back in with a drill press. I remember mentioning some of these holes to Ryan and he said they were elongated slots. But that may have been for another machine, like the mp3dp. I think I ended up just drilling them with a slightly larger bit, to ass some tolerance on the bolts. I also countersunked the screws.

I tried making a jig and assumed a 60mm spacing for my D26204K router, which I think is sold as DWP611 in the US. This turned out to be incorrect, 61mm looks more like it.

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The DeWalt site I found by searching “dewalt 611 mounting pattern” has this entry: “The hole spacing on the base of the DEWALT Router DWP611 is 2.4 x 2.4 inches on centers in a square pattern.” Multiplying by 25.4 gives 60.96 mm, which is close enough to 61 mm for me. I will have to research the manual entry found by Kyle stating “Not recommended for use in a router table.”


I wouldn’t be surprised if the measurement started in metric as 60 or 61mm and they converted it to inches for the manual.