This seems to be the same thing (shenhzen) I have seen many others use with their cnc, thoughts?
While I’d love to go cheap with the Dewalt, the noise it creates will violate the WAF (if youtube demos of the dewalt vs chinese spindles are accurate).
I have a 400w spindle, which looks exactly like the 500w(wonder if they’re really the same). When it’s cutting, it is louder than when it’s not.
I’m still on the fence about it. I like that it’s quieter, but I’m in a barn, noise isn’t really an issue, that and the shop vac running kinda defeats the quiet spindle. It is still attached to my cnc though, so it has that going for it. What I really don’t like about them is it’s really just a dc motor with a collet adapter attached to it. Really long off the end of the motor. With my engraving bit in the collet, it’s almost 4 inches from the motor bottom to the point of the bit! Also with the engraving bit in, I only have maybe a quarter inch of pipe left in the lower z bearings when the point is touching a half inch piece of wood. That’s not a lot of leeway. I’ve even seen the tubes leave the lower bearing when doing a rapid move across the table. That’s not cool.