Hi all
I have used EstlCAM to generate the G Code for some simple 2D milling projects on my MPCNC (RAMBO board with dual end stops). The 2D milling in foam (test cuts) and wood turned out really well so I thought I’d have a go at some 3D milling. Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to get EstlCAM to generate G Code that will mill the part I’m after (details here: https://forum.v1e.com/t/estlcam-free-machining-settings/15939).
I’m relatively new to Fusion 360 but know enough to get by when creating models, but haven’t spent any time creating tool paths. Before I even attempt to get my head around creating tool paths in Fusion, I was hoping someone could let me know if there is a post processor that handles 3D milling that I could use with Fusion to create G Code for the part in the image below?