So I have some GORGEOUS baltic birch pieces laying around my shop, they’re 3/4" and again, gorgeous. I was curious, I thought I read Ryan had said something like he added longer hardware to account for 3/4" thick material for the Y Plates. Was I dreaming? Or did I read that? I wasn’t able to find the post again. Probably a dream. Yep.
I’ve got some Y Plate sagage/bendage right around the ears of the MDF. Been like that for a while, and hasn’t really affected accuracy, But I’d definitely like to address that before something breaks during a cut. Here in the Mississippi heat and humidity… MDF just don’t hang in there very well, and my shop is without AC.
Has anyone done that with 3/4" wood? Is it safe to do so? Pros? Cons? And go!
I found with the hardware from the V1 kit that I had enough extra length to add a 1/4" plate to the outside of the Y plates, so you might be able to use it.
Otherwise, you can buy the 5/8" bolts 1/4" longer, and be sure.
Alternately, since you presumably have a CNC you could pocket out an area around the bolt hole about the size of a 1/2" socket so that the existing hardware is all good.
Yea judging from what I remember sticking out of the wheels, and plastics, it seems like it would work, I’ll give it a try! If not, at least all the sizes I need would be easy to find on the build pages! Thanks @SupraGuy !
Well, I cut them out of some old birch I had laying around. Was perfect amount left over for these. Went ahead and primed them because I wanted to paint the originals, but put it all together before I remembered I was going to paint them lol
Excellent thread. I was pondering the same question about using 3/4" ply as I have lots of offcuts from boat building. I can go ahead now. Going to varnish mine as it’s oak faced. I’ve also done a mod to the 611 plate to fit a Katsu router. I’ll post details when it’s assembled.
I still haven’t gotten around to installing them, but Hoping to start Monday after work. Been so busy with work because we’re short handed. I can’t wait to see your progress! Also, if you run into any issues with the hardware needing to be longer, let me know!
So far the only hardware I’ve added length to is the 6/32 screws going through the motor mounts. Wasn’t sure the stock ones would be quite long enough.
Started yesterday to put some sub-assemblies together - no problems so far. I’m using metric screws, bolts so going with the nearest length I can get above the list sizes, in particular, M8 x 95 becomes M8 x 100, plenty of length.
I’ve cut the y plates on the bandsaw but used a printed template to get the holes correctly spaced then a plane to get a snug fit for the bottom z bar guides.
I’m making the 611 plate from 6mm aluminium as I had a bit spare.
Just having a very early cup of tea, should get more done today. I’ll post a pic or two later.