I am attempting to build a machine with a 24"x24" build area. First thanks Vicious for the great machine.
Here’s what I have so far.
I haven’t tried to get anything squared up yet I just put it together and I figured I would get it lined up when I attach it to the table.
When I printed the parts I used simplify3d and on the old ones I needed to use horizontal size compensation set to -0.2mm or they were way too tight. With the new parts I didn’t adjust anything and they fit perfectly.
Putting that center assembly together was quite a puzzle I couldn’t really see how it was going to go together when I was printing the parts. After getting it all printed I followed vicious’s instructions and was able to get it together. It was almost like solving a rubics cube or something how I couldn’t really see how it was going to fit together until then end. After I got it assembled I was amazed how well the parts all fit together and the details are incredible. Like how on the XYZ part there are these little rounded cut outs that fit perfectly around some bumps on the XY part.
Now I have to wait for parts to come. I didn’t want to order everything in case I couldn’t even get to this point.
I need to get something to mount it on done before my parts come so I can continue. I bought the stuff to make a table like vicious shows but now I am thinking maybe I will just make a platform and have it on the floor because then I can tip it up and move it out of the way. I am going to need to use this in the garage which will be full of cars in the winter so I will need to get the cnc out of the way. I suppose I could build the table and take off the legs when I need to move it too.
I use the braid, it’s kind of a pain to put on but once it’s there it is awesome. Some auto parts stores have it or of course amazon has it. I’m sure you don’t want to hear it since your almost done but the new rollers seem pretty good!
I bought a bunch of the braid and have been meaning to put it on the site but, another day.
Did you release the inch version of the new rollers? I agree they look great. I only saw the metric ones. I am going to get it all working now and then I will probably print the new ones. I am too excited to start cutting now
What are you doing with the end of the wires going out of the tube to the ramps? Just letting them hang?
Anything but plywood, it cuts like crap and is full of glue. Get a chunk of pine or something similar. Much better results, plywood is the worst to cut.
I was planning on making one of those dinosaur puzzle things so I was going to try 1/4 inch plywood. I will see if they have any other mateial 1/4 thick.
I bought this plan and made a 3d printed one so I figured since I already bought it I would make a wood one.