Zen garden slab

I saw the printables contest for Zen gardens and decided I wanted to gift one to my sister in law. But not the garden part printed. Had a round slab so used a 1/2" dovetail bit to clear out the pocket. Nothing fancy but the lowrider made it easy.

Printed the models using stone PLA and baking soda for the sand. (Now to make one automated :grin:)


How well did that work? Never would have thought to use a bit like that to hog out material

Works out pretty well. Need an okay trammed machine if you don’t want to do a lot of sanding but otherwise it takes out material quickly. Large DOC also leaves ridges which didn’t matter in this situation since the sand covers it up but could be an issue elsewhere.

Got the idea from here Mattcustard's Musings - It's Cutting Board Season - #10 by Matticustard

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