Z axis dropping at end of program

Got the low rider running great minus one issue. At the end of the cut/program/gcode all the steppers are turning off causing the Z axis to free fall. If the router is on it will bury it until the router plate is flush with the workpiece. I have spent a few hours on this now. There is no code in the g code to turn off steppers( end of G code below)

G02 X27.3811 Y55.9069 I20.9906 J-1.0225 F600
G1 X28.0173 Y56.2185 F600
G1 X28.3692 Y55.5 F600
G0 Z2 F480
G0 X0 Y0 F2100

What I found in the Marlin file is this line, I tried to comment it out but am getting compiling errors.


Is the above line performing an M84 on all axis at the end of the programs?



It is not the firmware if you are using mine.


How are you sending teh files/making them? (if you are using repetier to send the file, turn off the stepper kill in the settings).

Does it fail using my crown?

When the issue is sorted it is best to ensure your program ends not on top of your work.

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Disable Motors after Job/Kill was selected in Repetier.

Your crown code ran great. Other than my pencil was not being held tight enough.

Going to check for fix now.

Thanks again, sir!

Sweet! I will add that somewhere so more people see it.

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The was exactly the problem. Have been using Repetier for 4 years now for 3D printing and never noticed that option.

Thanks again for your quick help, the great support here is one of the reasons I believe so many people are coming to this community.

Happy Easter!!