X and Y probing with Rambo 1.4 and Marlin

I know that the Estlcam controller is not compatible with Rambo, but is there a way I can home X and Y using touch plates without the Estlcam controller but use still Estlcam for my cut?

I use a Rambo 1.4, prepare the work in EstlCam.
I manage the work with Repetier-Host, have tree user macros, one for G92 X0 Y0 Z0, second is to find the zero in XY, and the third is to look for zero on the z-axis.
I hope I have answered your question, I do not speak English correctly.

Thank you for your response. Does Repetier-Host have an X and Y touch plate/Probing feature for homing?
I would like to home X and Y on my material like in this video

MPCNC corner probe (XYZ) using foil tape. - YouTube

Como mi inglés es muy malo, te lo pongo en español:

Mi sonda es de 10mm ancho, 5mm de altura. La fresa es de 6mm(3mm radio).
Lo primero es colocar la fresa cerca para medir Y, y marcar todo a cero(G92 X0 Y0 Z0)
Después busco el eje Y= ( G38.2 Y+10 F100).
Cuando lo detecta, marco que estoy a -13(10mm sonda más 3 del radio de la fresa)= G92 Y-13
Me alejo para poder mover con comodidad= G01 Y-20 F600
Ahora me acerco para ir a buscar el eje X= G01 X-16 F600
Preparo para medir en el eje X= G01 Y+10 F600
Mido el eje X= G38.2 X+10 F100
Digo que estoy a -13( 10 pared sonda + 3mm de radio fresa)= G92 Y-13
Me alejo para mover con comodidad G01 X-20 F600
Elevo en Z para poder mover a cero después= G01 Z25 F600
Muevo rápidamente a X0 Y0 velocidad 1600= G01 X0 Y0 F1600

Con esto ya estoy en X0 Y0, lo siguiente será buscar Z. Esta es la macro.

G92 X0 Y0 Z0
G38.2 Y+10 F100
G92 Y-13
G01 Y-20 F600
G01 X-16 F600
G01 Y+10 F600
G38.2 X+10 F100
G92 X-13
G01 X-20 F600
G01 Z25 F600
G01 X0 Y0 F1600

Ahora vamos a buscar el eje Z:

Busco el Z durante 25mm= G38.2 Z-25 F100
Cuando lo encuentre, digo que está a 5mm(alto de la sonda) = G92 Z5
Por Ăşltimo, elevo Z a 25mm para quitar la sonda= G01 Z25 F200


G38.2 Z-25 F100
G92 Z5
G01 Z25

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Thank you for this, I really appreciate it. I’m going to test this out tonight when I’m at my shop

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I’ve been trying to connect my Rambo to Repetier-Host but my attempts have been unsuccessful.
It shows that that Repetier-Host is connected, but I get the error message “Start Signal not detected - forcing start” and sometimes after I reset my RAMBo, Repetier-Host says " Communication timeout - reset send buffer block"

Any chance you have the baud rate set incorrectly? It should be 250000.

The baud rate is 250000 in Repetier-Host, and I’ve also tried 115200 baud rate, but it doesn’t work and still shows the same error messages