Which firmware for old ramp 1.4 from old RepRap 3D priner

Oh no, I found a ] link https://reprap.org/wiki/RAMPS_24v it explain about 24V and Ramp 1.4 that is bad for Arduino’s voltage regulator.

I have to buy new Arduino Mega 2560 and 12v power supply,

For now I’m back to CNC shield but end switches has problem, I did tried at many times with command and there are no solution.

Can’t you use the Mega2560 GRBL firmware?
Isn’t it better suited to milling than Marlin?

I haven’t test CNC shield and RAMP 1.4 yet, I’m new with MPCNC and I’m learning how to use it.

My Arduino 2560 was blow up by over voltage, I will get new one as soon.

My CNC Shield and Arduino Uno is new and I haven’t tried cutting with them to control by GRBL and UGS yet, I expect to fix switches problem.

Yes, but it’s not as well supported.

That’s a matter of degrees and opinion these days. A lot of what Marlin is/was missing has been implemented (extruders=0, workspace coordinates, etc), and it has some benefits over most implementations of grbl (screens, SD cards, etc). It lags behind in some things (laser control, immediate interrupts, etc), but it’s getting better, and something of a toss-up at the moment, especially since Marlin is better supported around here.