Which controller for semi-custom laser engraver (Bart Dring controller questions)

I found this other thread and it caused me to have some questions about the Bart Dring controller.

I was going to post these questions there, but thought I’d leave them here. I’m wondering if I’ll get much answers as my new questions are now off topic from the thread title.

I just picked up one of his 4 axis controllers with the integrated TMC drivers for a semi-diy laser engraver. I’m wanting to add a bltouch to the engraver for setting the height of the laser using a z-axis.

Does anyone know if I have to have the servo add-on or if I can use the regular pins on the board to drive the servo-command part of the bltouch?

Alternative question, does anyone know if I even need to drive the servo portion of the bltouch? I’m assuming I don’t really need to retract the bltouch for a laser, so I’m wondering if I can just set it at a fixed height and leave it there.

I already have the added issue that I need to mount the bltouch low enough to clear the bottom of the air assist nozzle.