Where to source piping?

I was happy with my speedymetals order.

Metals supermarket and speedy metals are both good.

I have no idea how they do on shipping, but I picked up my 1" SS tube locally from Jacob Schmidt & Son in Harleysville, PA.

It’s not even listed on their website, but they do stock it. And they cut all the pieces to the exact size I wanted. I was out the door for $56. Enough for my 4’ wide table.

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Got mine here https://www.verociousmotorsports.com/Shop-by-Brand/VMS-Tubing-stainless-mill-304-0100
Cheaper than austenitex, same parent company/ownership though.
Arrived in like 3 days to central PA, believe it shipped from delaware area.


Thanks for posting your reply, Pete. I’ve searched high and low all over the Internet and arrived at this Verocious Motorsports a few days ago. They are by far the cheapest. I’m looking to order from them. Glad to hear someone else had good luck with them.

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Just an FYI, I ordered 2 8ft sections and plan to cut them down. I had to pick them up at the local post office as the postman’s vehicle is not long enough to transport these. If youre ordering the same length, make sure you have a vehicle capable of transporting them :joy:


cut2sizemetals website

This company will cut to size and ship. Amazing quality.

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Since this is a question that every builder faces, perhaps a place in the docs site for list of suppliers by region would be useful.

This can happen in the docs, users can submit links if they want.

Give me an idea of where this should be in the docs or if it should be a new page and I can make this happen.

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A new page pipe suppliers local by country state, providence, ect city then we could provide links?

I purchase local when possible to support my community so I would like this

Where should the link be placed, how would people find it?

@lilgordypg8 It was actually your recommendation on another thread that I found, and pointed me to www.verociousmotorsports.com. I was able to order them the size I needed, and not have to cut a single piece. I did have to do some cleanup with a reamer, but I’d definitely buy from them again.


I bought my 25mm SS tube from www.speedymetals.com. I paid for them to cut everything to length, and the lengths for duplicate parts were within 1mm of each other, and the shipping/packaging was excellent.


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There’s a metal supermarket 15 minutes from me. They’ve always had whatever I was looking for. Good place.

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