Where is everyone from?


The north pole (Tromsø, Norway)

Damn! You’re up there! I thought I was pretty far north when I lived in North Pole AK!

Roseville California


That is awesome, @barry ! I can’t believe there is actually a place called North Pole (that is not ON the pole), and that you, by chance, actually have lived there!

When we say “North Pole”, people who live even further north than us laugh and mock us. We are far from the northern most populated place in Norway, especially if you count Longyearbyen on Svalbard. Tromsø is about 600 km north of North Pole, AK. Longyearbyen on Svalbard is even 1000 km north uf us!

Edit: How do I “mention” people in a post??

@Turninbjorn NP is about 240km south of the arctic circle. We drove up once, there’s a sign, just to say we’ve done it. About 200km of those miles are on a gravel road.

Oddly enough, there’s no cell service.

Pretty drive though.

This was one of the weird paved sections. Every now and then you’d hit a couple miles of pavement, then back to gravel. I think they test different ways to build the road beds. It’s all permafrost up here. It’s also really close to the treeline. I think over that far hill there’s no more trees.

That is kinda spooky looking, the lighting seems off that far up I guess.

How fascinating! We are 340km north of the arctic circle here. Seems like theres much less vegetation and more barren in Alaska, at the same latitudes. I guess it’s obvious, since the Gulf Stream makes weather warmer and more humid. (Still lots of snow and freaking long winters though!!) Aside form the weather and winters, one annoying thing with living this far north is the limited selection of wood types. I’m looking forward to using the MPCNC for routing flat pieces birch, which is very twisting and difficult to work on with saws and planes!

Yea, interior Alaska is an arctic desert. The closest large body of water from those pictures, not counting rivers, would be the Beaufort sea, on the north side of the state. Even then, there’s a mountain range in between.

I wish I could find the photo from INSIDE the car. My wife and I drove up the Dempster Highway before we were married. We were enroute to Inuvik for an arts festival from Dawson City (loved that place!). We saw so many vehicles setting off with eight spare tires and twelve gas cans strapped all over their vehicles. Had no idea what we were in for. Gravel road isn’t even fair…it’s more like the “original” rocky road…no marshmallows or chocolate on the Dempster. It’s like fist sized gravel in places. Which is where rock chips like this come from. It was the size of a dinner plate. I’m glad it didn’t bust through or I would likely have a different wife right now!

And yes…we DID get a flat.

And yes - the mosquitoes CAN carry you away up there!

[attachment file=109845]

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My mom worked at a bookkeeper in one of the tire shops in Fairbanks. They had several long skinny(say, cucumber sized) river rocks with one end polished off that they removed from semi tires. We had 10 gallons of gas in the back of the truck for that trip, only one spare though.

Connecticut checking in

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Cedar Rapids, IA

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Spokane Washington USA

Scottsdale Arizona USA

Folsom, CA!

Silkeborg, Central Jutland, Denmark

Zeddam, the Netherlands.

I’ve got 1 mpcnc working and working on a lowrider !

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Louisville, KY.

Levanger, Norway

Got my first electronic parts today, and looking forward 2 build the Lowrider2;D But if any Norwegian want 2 help me answer questions, be sure 2 send me a message:D Im noobie MCnoobie on this stuff so i sure need help:P