Where does Everyone hang out these days?

This isn’t like some other forums, feel free to ask questions. I do not think we have ever said “search first”

Don’t worry, you will be at the right place at the right time when someone asks a question and you will have an answer. Sometimes it is kinda like a competition to see who can answer fastest. :laughing:

Look, I have no issues with that. At all. There are so many ways to help out (Lend a Hand or Donate – V1 Engineering Inc) buying from me is only one way. Good reviews, sharing a project, or answering questions helps just the same.

Oh no, that looks like my kind of game…don’t click don’t click…


Stay away, I tell you - stay away! All I can think of is my factory, automating and laying out the main bus for transport belts… I’m falling asleep to a INTRO series. The episodes are only abt 30 mins long. The only hitch is thats theres 37 episodes of them. And then theres the master class after that… :exploding_head::crazy_face:

It’s not like we’ve got nothing to do at the moment. Christmas with small kids is surely a hectic time of year!


Now I wanna play even more…the reviews are amazing. I really really do not have time for this. I will wait a little bit before trying it out.


Our family fell into a minecraft addiction for a few months. We were watching a lot of tutorials to learn the secrets and all 4 of us were playing it, which is pretty rare for us. The addiction did end, but we had a lot of fun before that.

I see factorio and I kind of sigh to myself. I am sure I would enjoy it, but I don’t a strong sense that I am behind in everything this time of year. I am guessing if I see it in Dec 26th, I would fall right into it.

When I was a kid, we would play video games together and also talk about things we figured out all day at school. Now, games are much more complicated, but wikis and youtube makes it possible to get that intricate, detailed, complicated info. Measurably different, but not a bad thing. My kid also borrows library books about games.


Then I also suggest you shy away from Dyson Sphere Project…

But you should definitely look into the Steam release of Dwarf Fortress. Tarn and Zack have worked with Kitfox to put an actual UI on the granddaddy of colony sim games, and it looks like things are going to just keep getting better (Tarn has pledged to continue working on his Magnum Opus until he physically can’t). Did you know that DF is in MOMA, or is it the Smithsonian?

Back to the OP: At the risk of offending FB users (I only keep my FB account because I have an Oculus headset), my head-canon is that FB groups are the digital equivalent of cargo cults, but here you get interaction with people who actually know stuff…


Factorio is brilliant, as is RimWorld. :smiley:


Didn’t he back down on this? You don’t need it any more is what I heard.

I’ve been waiting for the steam release of dwarf fortress for a long while, since the news came out. Ive also enjoyed cataclysm dark days ahead. But those rabbit holes are scary deep!

The problem with factorio is that my wife is also intrigued. So she’s no help to stay away. She’s instead impressed with my main bus, motivating me to keep on…

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Yes I have noticed this is a very different forum. I am used to the car forums etc. Man they are ruthless. And yes I know I will get there just used to being the person everyone comes to for fixes and answers. I am in a vulnerable state here hahaha.
And I know what you mean about the competition I enjoy a competition and it’s good wholesome fun.
I used to go to usa probably 2 times a week 3 years ago I have a address there, that I would get all my stuff shipped to but since the latest plague thing I can’t sneak down nearly as easy.
Just a FYI your prices are like very on point like very !!
I dropped a tile on my toe and my build ambition has been slowed but it’s coming back here soon.it’s pretty bad when your dreaming of ways to mount a lr3 on a table and cut a whole. Like do you get some wedges and mount runner in the aide and level them out.
Or do you build a whole exo top mount structure. And then let’s say you accidentally went into the zen xy world and now your like oh man I wonder if we made polished aluminum light reflectors in the outer edges so you can raise and lower and direct the light to get that super peek shadow coolness. Literally hard to stop the old brain from just going awol once you get into something.
It’s winter time here so that slow time and arcade fun and video game season so I need to resist the factorio and stuff for a while still.


Couple of us have car build threads on the off-topic area. I’m sure everyone would welcome another, if it helps you feel more at home!


I hear that…

The problem wirh the “Search first” responses is that they’re often the first ones that come up on the search engine. And the second, third fourth…

I’ve always tried to link a helpful thread, or the FAQ.

Pretty relaxed here, so while there might be dozens of threads similar to a common question, they probably all have useful answers. Not always the same ones, so the one that really answers the question might take some digging. Or ask anyway. Unlike questions about a 2016-2019 Honda Civic, these machines keep evolving and changing, and what was true 2 years ago might be out of date now. You could update an old machine with new firmware, or driver board, or customized mechanics, so maybe it is the same question, or maybe it’s entirely new.


I never got into Rimworld, but I’d surely love it. CDDA is it’s open source, older sibling - a spiritual predecessor.

Yes I have realized that it is different in here, way more positive and like you said there might be a odd twist to someone’s setup or some way someone explains things differently that a person will understand better.
The civic motors are pretty legendary the k20’s etc are wild.
I was a big Audi dude

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Most people would prefer to search first. So if someone is asking, the answer wasn’t easy enough to find. Or their situation is slightly different. Or they just want a friend to be patient and answer their questions. Those are all good reasons to ask again.

I honestly get a little annoyed when someone says, “I have the same problem” because there are a lot of symptoms with multiple causes. Not annoyed enough to be mean (usually) but annoyed a little. I prefer a new topic if they want to ask us about it.


I usually assume people actually tried a search, I know most the time you would not know the right words to actually search for. Grub screw comes to mind.

So true. I don’t think it is ever the same problem, sometimes just similar symptoms.


I did a lot of searching, and I think one of my first posts was actually thanking everyone who had answered my questions before I even came along. The depth of thought and the troubleshooting walkthroughs really helped me understand how to think about these machines. Still had plenty of questions, though. Love this place.


It’s not just the people answering. There are some excellent questions, with detailed debugging information.

In my profile it says, “I don’t help in private”. Because I have found the answer to some problem I’ve had in public forums so. many. times. I help in public because I imagine at least a 5-10x increase in the benefit from having the debugging publically available. I am sure some posts have a lot more than that.


How does your family take it, always needing to post on a forum? :yum::smile:


IRL, we just go outside.


Freaks, I knew it… :smiley: