WA Burly to Primo Upgrade

Came back from a 2 week vacation and fired up the Primo to cut out a part and discovered that the center core was loose again! It tried going through the process of tightening it like I did during the original assembly to no avail. I couldn’t get rid of the looseness, and it was making a mess of the parts when it was cutting.

I remembered seeing a discussion back in mid-August about loose rails on the new F builds (25mm primo core clamp issues - #25 by ben78) and went back to review what Ryan had done to address the issue. So now I have new parts printing on the 3D printer and I’m disassembling the current core. Hoping I can get everything printed by mid-day tomorrow so that I can get the machine reassembled and adjusted.

Any one need a Primo core and clamps, slightly used, and probably slightly loose? :smiley: