V-Bit feed and speeds

Doing my first carve/engraving today, just a simple “2023” into some pine. I’m using a 7/16” 60 degree vbit and I haven’t been able to find a good place for recommendations on feeds and speeds.

If anyone has recommendations for hardwood too I’d appreciate it

I basically use the same speed for everything, be it hard or softwood with my 60° endmill, which is 1000mm/min with a max DOC of 3mm per pass. Works like a charm. This was done with those settings: Quick and dirty - Sign for a wedding.

@Tokoloshe YOU ONLY DO 1000mm/min!?! You are Mr.Speed, would have though you went like 1800mm/min or something!

@JamochaTrilby phillipp has it about right were I am planning on 1000mm/min or ~17mm/sec

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