Using usb for repetier host

When using repetier host, do I use the usb-A port on the tft screen or the usb-B on the skr pro?

The enclosure doesn’t seem to have accessible ports to the skr usb so I’m hoping the screen one will work instead since they have their ports accessible

urm… no. The USB on the display is just for uploading your gcode file, serial comms from your computer has to go into the controller board USB.

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You know a good enclosure with Tft screen that has the skr ports accessible and can be mounted on the lowrider like the current enclosure?

You should really use the screen or wifi module. a 8’+ USB cable is surely going to result in errors and job failures. Only use a USB for Direct testing.

Thanks Ryan, you have or know where to get instructions for doing the esp-01wifi install and setup?

This is what I have for now. I plan on making a more formal instruction page soon. Headless SKR Pro Info

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Hmm sounds good. But would you advise to use the wifi on the tft screen or skr pro? Or would it not matter.
Looking at teaching tech video mentions that via the tft screen would display its IP address. So just wondering if tft is better or skr pro.

From the SKR, that way, you have direct access to the memory card.