Upgrade to Jackpot from Rambo/Marlin?

Thanks for your answer! I do have an MPCNC and also a Prusa MK3S printer, both from a few years ago. Was looking at the MK4 upgrade if I can justify the expense and a key part of it is the 32bit processor which in part allows it to operate much faster using the same hardware (faster prints, turns etc). So was wondering if this would provide similar value.

I use EstlCAM (just upgraded to 12) and starting to use LibreCAD but still learning that. So many things to learn :slight_smile:

I think I can handle the Wi-Fi parts, that little screen was hard to navigate and manage so a nice iPad or something should be nice.

It’s not a massive investment, I will get one and hopefully see some advantages.

Anyone need a Rambo board :-)?

When you do that, the community will help you along as you go.
I think you’ll be happy in the end.

Similar in many ways. The faster and more capable processor coupled with extra capabilities will be a good improvement.

There are considerations- we would need to make sure the wireless environment works for you as it does for most folks, but this can be tricky as a very few users have challenges with wireless stuff. We would also want to be sure all the wiring is good as sometimes disturbing an existing setup may cause intermittent connections in extension cables or otherwise need a bit of troubleshooting.

After all that, It should be like what MK3S to MK4 upgrade yields. A nice improvement, a goof machine made better.


Hey, I know I’m a little late getting back to this but I found the transition a little frustrating at first, but as I worked more with the board it’s for sure an improvement. There also seems to be a lot more information than when I started the transition. I hated recompiling the marlin firmware so I am glad to be done with that, since it’s now a YAML file that just needs to be edited which makes configuring a lot easier

Personally, I use USB and not the Wifi connection to control the machine, for engraving I am using CNC.js on a laptop to control the machine for engraving, and Lightburn for laser activities. I like being able to use a windows machine in the shop so I can do quick on the fly projects. I used to use Octoprint which I feel was a bit of a “hack” job. Overall the upgrade made the MPCNC seem like a more polished solution.

I have seen a substantial speed and quality increase for laser activities which was my ultimate goal out of the upgrade. Once I got past my legacy workflow habits and embraced the new process, things were great. It sounds like you are okay with experimenting and learning so I do recommend the upgrade!

I also have an unused Rambo board I have not been able to utilize or unload if anyone is looking!