Travel Aggravation

There’s been a few different versions of aggravation on this board. Many, many, months ago I bought some dice and some cribbage pins off of Amazon with the intent of making a travel version of the game. This is a game I grew up playing a lot with family. It’s a great game, but it doesn’t travel too well… especially on a motorcycle.

Then a few other projects got in the way and I forgot I was going to do this. A recent post on this forum reminded me I still wanted to do it, and what better way of testing the new MP3DPv4 that I built than filling it up with large flat surfaces.

Ryan questioned my sanity for building such a large printer (300x300) when most of my prints are fairly small. Well, it’s projects like this that is the answer :slight_smile:

The largest piece is 112mm x 125mm. My last printer’s print bed was roughly 180mm x 180mm, so this would have fit, but I would have only been able to print one piece at a time. Plus, that printer didn’t have ABL or Mesh leveling.

So, without further a-do. I give you the photos!

Simplify3d layout:



I need to make the numbers bigger. They disappeared in the top of the print. I might try to get some white paint into the numbers and lines with a toothpick. If I had any other colored filament, I think the words and holes would be easier to see. Black kinda absorbs all the shadows. If I can get my green silk filament to print right, I might try to re-print the lid in that.

The pins fit in the holes quite well. A slight push down allows them to stick a little. I’m not sure if the pieces are magnetic. If they are, it might be worth trying to stick a flat magnet on the back of the lid and seeing if it helps hold the pins in place.

Total print time was just over 6 hours on my MP3DPv4. All the little holes makes for a lot of little movements.

The latch works better than I expected.

The design is here if you want to print your own: