I’m sensing a need to get comfortable with Onshape. One more project .
I wish wish wish Onshape would release their CAM. I want to switch to it fully but all in one is nice. Also, last I used it their font support was pretty limited. Being in the cloud is so nice though.
I uploaded stepfiles, use whatever you want to alter them.
For what?
The two most recent mods, a few more to come
Thank you very much, these are far easier to use!
Not sure if this is where this is supposed to go, but I wanted to share my first mod to my LR4!
Electronics “bay” covers for behind the strut.
So far it is just in the preliminary stages, and can definitly be improved. Originally when planning out how to mount and wire my electronics, I was going to make custom boxes for each device like I did for the LR3, being that I am using non standard hardware, however, that takes a lot of filament, and wanting to make one little change requires an entire reprint of the box. Also, when it comes to cable management, I am a much bigger fan of “stuffing it all under a lid and calling it a day” than I am to try and make cables look presentable from the outside.
It has two little braces that mount on the inside M5 holes on each strut brace, with an M3 hole to actually mount the cover. This makes it relatively easy to take off if you need to work on the electronics, but still gives a clean outside look when installed.
Side note, what are those holes in the center of the strut braces for? I know on the end braces they hold the side assemblies to the gantry, but is there a purpose for the middle ones?
Let me know of any improvements that I could make. Once I make a few adjustments to it, I will make a printables page or post about it here on the forum so anyone can give it a shot if they want.
Some beta team members created similar covers.
That’s a very clean look.
Very nice, I’d like to see it finished.
The ones next to the X tubes are provisions to put screws into the rails for added stability. The ones on the rear outside edge are for the hose clips for dust collection.
I did some similar boxes, still redesigning… the only one I’m really happy with though is the one for a standard power cord.
Yep. Mine were hinged and could “flip up” for easy access, and were also merely “snapped into” the printed hinge nubs so they could either be flipped up or snapped off and back on.
Yes it is a clean look! I like it.
I think @azab2c had a version using skewers as hinges - mine proposed filament as pins- all had little press in bits that fit the gap in the braces.
I suspect hey will become a common mod!
@DougJoseph notice this one printed ok at ‘my’ orientation? I’m still two weeks away from home, but will converse more on that when I can print!
Nope, that was me. I still like the idea. Filament also works.
My head always mods azab2c to acab…
Good Morning, Ryan…
Your honest professional opinion, please.
I love the idea of these plates as they give an nice finished look to the sides of the LR4, but more importantly for me, they would add a little more protection to the Y limit switches when transporting the gantry.
So my question is, do you feel the solid plates will have an adverse effect on the steppers temps?
Thank you for your insight!
Give it some time and there will be all sorts of mods to those plates.
If you really want them print them with no top or bottom layers, and some sort of open infill at like 15-20%. Like a honeycomb or triangles.
…and this just made me ask Alexa to play ABACAB.
Hi Doug, would you share your editable files for the covers?
I’m happy to share, but first I’ll need to do some work to get them parametric so they can accommodate different intervals on the braces. I have this on my radar.
Has anyone done a cable chain for the X axis?