Starting to get frustrated

Ok , so what software combination do I need to compile and load this file to avoid all this frustration since I am just changing me to TMC 2130 instead of the 5160 . Sorry but I am very new this and thanks for the your time and patience .

I use vscode and…but like I said I have zero experience with that board and all it’s intricacies.

That is actually a lot of changes, one of the reasons I do not care to use those drivers.

That took care of the syntax error but introduced a whole slew of other ones. I’m going to work off a fresh Marlin config and see what I can get to work. My only problem is going to be configuring for the dual endstops…although I’m considering just going without and only using a z probe.

This is the error i get with Ms Code

“resource”: “/c:/Users/Mary/Desktop/marlin 2.0 - mpcnc lowrider2 - skr v1.3 tmc5160/Marlin/Configuration.h”,
“owner”: “C/C++”,
“code”: “1696”,
“severity”: 8,
“message”: “#include errors detected. Please update your includePath. Squiggles are disabled for this translation unit (C:\Users\Mary\Desktop\marlin 2.0 - mpcnc lowrider2 - skr v1.3 tmc5160\Marlin\src\core\serial.cpp).”,
“source”: “C/C++”,
“startLineNumber”: 2,
“startColumn”: 1,
“endLineNumber”: 2,
“endColumn”: 30

I am virtually clueless with this stuff but i have managed to configure my skr 1.3 with drv8825’s using vscode/ and Anttix’s dual endstop version from this thread. I had to install something else also for it to work but I don’t recall what it was.

I did have to switch the default environment and the drivers which i found how to from this video.

I am still assembling my mpcnc so i haven’t been able to verify i have the steps correct and such, but i have connected the steppers and and have verified that they all moved as they should from the display. I did not have the end stops connected.

Since then i have read that this row of red jumpers are for sensorless homing and should be removed for end stop switches. Hoping to get to that point next weekend and with a little luck, all will be well. I’ve been working on putting together a garage PC from an old tower to use with the mpcnc also.

new file Marlin 2.0
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_1 2012 // BigTreeTech SKR v1.1 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_3 2013 // BigTreeTech SKR v1.3 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan, Bed)
#define BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_4

TT files has
#define BOARD_BIQU_SKR_V1_1 1759 // BIQU SKR_V1.1 (Power outputs: Hotend0,Hotend1, Fan, Bed)

#define BOARD_BIQU_B300_V1_0 1760 // BIQU B300_V1.0 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Fan, Bed, SPI Driver)

#define BOARD_BIGTREE_SKR_V1_3 1761 // BIGTREE SKR_V1.3 (Power outputs: Hotend0, Hotend1, Fan, Bed)

how do I fix this to reflect on TT

I manage to do the update and still getting this error can someone run the TT code and try help me out , I am almost to my last efforts , I could have manually change all the thing he did in the new marlin 2.0 download which compiles with no issues for me only if i knew what changes needs to be done .heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp

#include errors detected. Please update your includePath. Squiggles are disabled for this translation unit (C:\Users\Mary\Desktop\marlin 2.0 - mpcnc lowrider2 - skr v1.3 tmc5160\Marlin\src\core\serial.cpp).

I ended up setting up the base Marlin 2.0 for the LowRider. It works and now I just need to tweak a few things.

There shouldn’t be a need to update the TT firmware for the board unless you change the board.h file to the newer version. As long as what is in the configuration.h matches what’s in the corresponding boards.h file it shouldn’t make a difference.

I do not mean to be a drag but I will PM you my emaill address to see if you can send me a working file - then I can go in and at least start doing some changes too and it will be a great help at this point for me . I will really appreciate it , if that’s ok with you please and thank you .

In my experience, for every post, there are 10x people watching silently, or will find this in the future. Posting questions, answers, and files in public really helps those people out (I am that person 9/10 times :smiley:)


I’ll share the file openly with anyone. I just want to make sure it works before I do. I don’t want to put out code that causes someone’s LR2 to crash and burn. Then I’d feel bad because that person would be upset with me. :slight_smile: I’m going to work on it when I’m back home later this week so it won’t be long.



So…it’s getting old. Trying to cut a 200x200mm square. Set my steps/mm to 200 and get a 400x400 square. Set to 100 and get a 100x100 square. Calculator says 1/32 microstep with a 16 tooth pulley should be 200. I just want this to work so I can start earning a little bit of money to pay for it. Jobs sitting for a while now.

Great…got it to cut the right dimensions…now when I try to home X, one of my Z motors grinds. Didn’t do it a single time before. As much as I like the idea of having a 48x48in cutting area, I’m beginning to wonder if starting with the LR2 was too much.

Speeds, and rapids? More details and we can help.

Or is it just that complicated board that is giving you all the issues? I know it is frustrating but let us help out could be one of many simple things you simply overlooked. You definitely dove in the deep end by not using recommended stuff but we will get you there.

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My next step is to swap the RAMPS board from my 3D printer. I’ll download the original firmware again and see if it works. That’ll be later this week as work is ramping up for the next few days.

What speeds and rapids are you using? If you show us your settings we can try to help, just telling us it isn’t working makes us just guess at issues and that is frustrating for everyone.

You have a board in there that is moving, chances are really good you just have bad CAM. The milling basics and estlcam basics has the right numbers to be using.

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Cutting/movement at 1000mm/min, plunge at 300mm/min. ESTLCAM is set up per the guide. However, I don’t think it’s the CAM. I ran a 200x200mm square that didn’t cut through only because I forgot to level the z axis. When I leveled and tried to run again, I got the grind…which now that I think of it, I didn’t disengage the motors when I lowered the one side. I wonder if that had something to do with it.

Further checking shows I have ESTLCAM set to mm/min, not mm/sec. Would that make a huge difference?