Starting my build in Texas

Glad you found what you were looking for. I at first thought you meant the MPCNC picture. I believe it was shared by Ryan in an old mrrf thread.

I keep wanting to put the pen back on and get some big sheets of paper to make giant coloring book pages. I think the MPCNC is undersold as a plotter!

I showed some pen drawings to a friend and he said, “So, you 3D printed a 2D printer?”. :cry:


I’d consider that person an ‘acquaintance’.

True friend would have reverberated your enthusiasm to help elevate the natural high :slight_smile:


Actually you 3D printed a (2D) plotter what isn’t that bad. :sweat_smile:

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And it’s an LR, so another driver and some clever CAM, and he could be plotting some truly epic banners on rolls of butcher paper…

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FWIW, he couldn’t bring me down. I love the texture of the pen and paper. I also know where it came from, which is why it is special.

This is the same friend that convinced me to buy my first printer. Definitely a friend. He knows I have an abundance of ego, and wouldn’t be hurt by it.


Now. If we can just get the pen rotation thingy from the other thread working.

Prusa had an april fools joke a while back where they were cooking on the MK3. With a LR2 or a big MPCNC you might have enough room to do it for real. You might still need a drop table, but you wouldn’t be cramped in a 250mm print volume.

Does your tool changer support pancake batter? There used to be a pancake printer at the maker faires.