Stainless Steel Tube Size for MPCNC/Lowrider

Hello, would like to ask about tube diameter for MPCNC/Lowrider. Here in Malaysia most tube size are 38.1mm with 1.2mm thickness and smallest diameter is 28mm with 1mm thickness. How can I get the STL files for this size of tube? I’m planning to build mpcnc or lowrider with work area around 4 feet x 2 feet.

There aren’t any v1 stls with those sizes.

Maybe you can use IKEA curtain rods if you make it small enough. 2×4 feet will be waaay to big for these. Check this thread: Ikea Curtains pipes mounted for test

Thanks. Lucky I found out that an industrial pipe use for factory rack have supply for 25mm nickel plated pipe.

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@nuril83 just remember that pipe diameter is measured as inside diameter while tubes are measured as outside diameter.

Ok, will check the od with the seller. Thanks to everyone for answering my question.:+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

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