Some updates, Marlin update, new boards?

I will try it right now. I though I saw where the red stripe went on the side closest to the USB plug. I’ll let you know if it works.


Thank you very much. Don’t know how I looked at it so many times and still had it wrong. Getting excited I guess. I have your pen holder printed so hopefully I’ll be able to test it out soon. Thanks again,


Just match the ports, there is a port 1 and a port 2. After that you can get them backwards on the rambo. The issue is the screens don’t clearly label pin1 (red wire usually), and the supplied cables are backwards on 1 end. Sorry for the hassle.

No hassle at all, thanks for the clarification. The machine is up and running with the pen attachment. Thanks!



Sorry for the stupid question. If we were to upgrade to the Rambo board, should it alleviate the issue using the board for both a CNC and laser? I specifically mean where right now the firmware has to be flashed for either as far as I know and can’t go back and forth.
I have the Rambo board on my Prusa i3 Mk2 and it is rock solid. Would be nice to have one on the MPCNC as well, especially for what you’re selling them for.
Thanks for any info.


Right now I only know of one rambo running the laser, so I am not positive right now. But same thing I believe he remapped the fan to the laser pin. If you are not 3d printing with your MPCNC you do not have to switch firmware, only if you need the fan port for a fan. The Mini Rambo has less pins so it is actually less flexible, just a much more robust design.

I have the Prusa multi material on order. Seems it uses a daughter card to run four extruders with the mini-rambo. The firmware is posted if someone who knows what they’re looking at wants to look at it.

Got tired of the buggy experience my Ramps gave me. So I just ordered the Rambo in your webshop. :slight_smile:

Indeed a bit pricier, but if more stable I’m game :-). I might return with some questions once I receive the board. But since I use the same steppers as I predict I only have to adjust for the 8MM z axis?

Looking forward to using it!

So today I wasn’t paying enough attention and plugged the power supply, both rails, into the output port on the minirambo, and left it there to try and flash it…Nothing happened other than the mosfet lights were on. Kind of amazing really, I would have guessed the board would be wrecked, nope I hooked up every port and it is working perfectly.

Yeeh, Mini Rambo is in and configured. Performing very stable!

So here’s the MiniRambo Multiplexer… Switches between 4 stepper motors…


The firmware has a special section for that. I think that whole unit, firmware, Prusa solution is awesome. I’m not big into designing for multicolor but If I need multicolor at some point I will get that setup for sure.

I have to look into the specs, was thinking maybe it can be used as an expansion board of some sorts. For people who mis the mini’s missing ports…

I’m not sure, it would take a lot of code to make it work.

I think for the mini, If you really wanted to get crazy you could just wire a driver into some unused pins, that would be easy to do I think.