SKR PRO V. 1.2 / TFT 35-E3 V3.0 Screen Black after Flash

@vicious1 My cable is backwards to the above! Do you think that’s why it’s saying no printer attached?

Just send everything back. This is taking too long and needs to be fixed. Send it all back and I will send you a completely tested set.

When I flash the boot loader using an STLink, I am able to connect to Repetier Host. Once I put the latest firmware on the micro sd and confirm the board has flashed correctly… I am then unable to connect to Repetier Host. Thus is it not the firmware causing the issues?

The stock firmware and our firmware use different baud rates. Nothing else should change, actually not sure why the firmware changes when you flash a bootloader either.

Be very careful, you can brick your board with an stlink.

You are not changing bootloader on the board you expect to ship back top me are you? That absolutely voids the warranty.

An expected response from you. I have two boards. Yours is put away to the side.

If you have two with similar problems, then the issue is almost certainly with some shared component or with something in your procedure. Many many of these boards work right away. The firmware is on dozens if not hundreds of machines at this point. So the chances of you getting two bad ones are slim.

I am super confused by all the many parts and things going in and out of working. Like we are taking one step forward and two steps back.

If you want to keep working on this. Let us see what you have. Share some photos of it set up as best as you can. Show us what isn’t working and let us fix things one at a time.

I would put the screen to the side and just use the skr with RH. With our firmware, the baud rate should be 250k. If you get that connected, send M115 and make sure you see v510 in the response.

After that, we will focus on the screen, but you should be able to do the crown test at that point and if that checks out, even get it dirty.

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