SKR 1.3PRO laser and CNC

I wanted to mount the laser in the Dewalt holder but for now have printed out the Universal tool mount from thingiverse and modified it to be a magnetic quick connect. For the SKR Pro setup Tuco did a nice write up here:

In the firmware (config_adv.h) you can modify the CUSTOM_USER_MENUS section. For setting Z zero for tool changes I added this:
#define USER_DESC_2 “Set Z to zero”
#define USER_GCODE_2 “G38.2 Z-25 F50\nG4 S5\nG92 Z0.5\nG4 S2\nG1 Z5 F480”

The first line is the menu display and the second line probes down to -25 on Z (until it touches my touchplate) at a speed of 50, pauses for 5 seconds and sets Z to 0.05 (the thickness of my touchplate) pauses for 2 seconds and finally raises to Z5.

For Laser zero I have hot glues a bent paper clip in to the cooling fins on the laser and bent it over. I use a 20x20x20 3d printed test cube and place my touchplate on top to that for setting the laser zero with this menu item:

#define USER_DESC_4 “Set Laser zero”
#define USER_GCODE_4 “G38.2 Z-25 F50\nG4 S5\nG92 Y-145 Z-4.75\nG4 S2\nG1 Z5 F480”

This sets my Y offset and sets my Z zero at my focused point of 24mm

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