Problems with Rambo 1.4 Dual End Stop Firmware Release

Ok. I only have really wild ideas of what could be the problem.

Is there any firmware that does work to move at least the first three motors? Something from the manufacturer?

Here’s a wild idea though. There were some clone boards where the actual board was wired ABAB, so some users had to rewire the steppers to swap them around to be ABAB. These were mini rambos though, and it wasn’t every port. I don’t know how you would know that was the case unless you were to trace the PCB back to the driver.

I am very confident that your firmware is right, if this was an official rambo.

Marlin 427D
echo: Last Updated: 2020-06-28 | Author: (V1 Engineering, Ryan, 427D)
echo:Compiled: Jul 28 2020
echo: Free Memory: 3439 PlannerBufferBytes: 1488
echo:V81 stored settings retrieved (641 bytes; crc 5057)
Printer is now online.

echo: G21 ; Units in mm (mm)
echo: M149 C ; Units in Celsius
echo:; Steps per unit:
echo: M92 X100.00 Y100.00 Z400.00 E100.00
echo:; Maximum feedrates (units/s):
echo: M203 X50.00 Y50.00 Z15.00 E25.00
echo:; Maximum Acceleration (units/s2):
echo: M201 X180.00 Y180.00 Z80.00 E180.00
echo:; Acceleration (units/s2): P<print_accel> R<retract_accel> T<travel_accel>
echo: M204 P180.00 R3000.00 T180.00
echo:; Advanced: B<min_segment_time_us> S<min_feedrate> T<min_travel_feedrate> X<max_x_jerk> Y<max_y_jerk> Z<max_z_jerk> E<max_e_jerk>
echo: M205 B20000.00 S0.00 T0.00 X0.50 Y0.50 Z0.30 E5.00
echo:; Home offset:
echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
echo:; Endstop adjustment:
echo: M666 Y0.00

Vaorwne Rambo 1.4 Rambo V1.4 Mega & Stepper Motherboard for Lulzbot Taz6 3D Printer

can you tell me whitch should i order from this site ?

they have 2 different compagnie

i have the screen home also tft28 toutch but 8 pin connector not 10 pin

The rambo 1.3L looks like it is the same as in the shop. But I don’t know enough about them to know if that is exactly the right board.

Just to be clear, you should be able to pick out almost any board and get it to work. It is very strange that this board isn’t working.

do you think if i order this one i will flash it direct and it should work ?
i cant find any of the version 1.4

The 1.3 requires an adaptor board to work with the lcd. It doesn’t have EXP1, EXP2. But it has the same pins. They are just organized differently.

If you asked, I would have said the board you have should work. I would say this will work too. But how can you trust me :smile:?

i think i will order from here the
have you heard good comment about it ?

i read in the forum you have the firmware for the tft35 for the cnc is it right ?

Yes. That will work. It is quite new, so there may be some initial troubles, but there will be quite a few people using that board very soon. The tft firmware has one version out, which appears to work, but we will work on that in time too.

it is order i will return the rambo 1.4 to many time i turn around whit this
would you putt the laser option on it to ?
and other feature !
pen , vinil cuter , laser, beer service lol

Pen and vinyl cutters don’t require firmware changes. The laser is possible, but you’ll have to do some homework. The beer fetching should be easy, just park the chair next to the refrigerator.


I have a mini frig under the table always full

cool lol

hi do you now where i can found a conversion table to change the voltage on configuration_adv.h
line 980
#define DIGIPOT_MOTOR_CURRENT { 130,130,130,130,130 } // Values 0-255 (RAMBO 135 = ~0.75A, 185 = ~1A)
i need to setup the amps to 2 amps
rambo 135 = .75
185=1.0 amps
but 2 amps there is no info i have to putt value between 0-255

No, and like I said, that isn’t going to be a very big deal unless it is really far off. The 130 is fine, and if you set it to 140, the only consequence would be the drivers overheating on a long job, not immediately refusing to do anything.

i am trying to do someting to fix my problem any suggestion of testing

is there a way to test pinout x on bord whit multimeter

ld it be in there ?

#define CURRENT_STEP_DOWN     50  // [mA]




This mini rambo board shows the BAAB configuration on the underside of the board. Can you look at the underside of your black rambo and see if there are any labels that would indicate your motors aren’t wired in AABB?