Primo upgrade - Tromsø, Norway

Nope!! no parts reseased !!! as I know off…!!!

Me in the other hand…love 4 seasons weather…and so far in west Boston area… we had no joy… It is been cold and weeeetttttttt! right now the termometer is sitting at 36F with rain in the forecast until saturday night …


We had all four seasons a couple weeks ago… Weather in Ohio is weird.

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The movies make it seem that way, but we really get a lot of sun. Denver is actually further south than Madrid. We are so far from an ocean or great lake that our weather changes a lot. Denver is a mile high, and much of the mountains is closer to 10k ft (3km). So they get much more snow and lower temperatures. I think we are probably closer to the alps in weather, but I don’t know much about the alps. Denver might be closer to Munich w.r.t. Weather.

By the way, don’t tell anyone. We are growing too fast already.

I think that the warm gulf stream and our long coast line makes the weather much warmer than elsewhere on these latitudes - by far. I googled average temperatures for Denver, and they are quite similar to Oslo!

Northern Norway, on the other hand - is a totally different case…

Guess what? We bought an old prayer house/chapel! We are going to renovate it to a cabin of some sorts. (and perhaps a workshop in the yard???)

A question: I’d like to draw it in a CAD/modelling tool. I’m starting to get quite familiar with Fusion 360. But I feel like it’ll be too cumbersome to use for testing out different room layouts. Do you folks have any recommendations for such a case?


I found a free program I used to model my shop in the barn.


A lot of furniture stores here offer online apps that make it pretty easy to lay out the walls of a room or two.

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That is awesome. It looks great too. I’m jealous.

I’ve used the one Barry suggests before. But really, anything would work. My friend who loves inkscape modeled his in inkscape. Sketchup is another popular choice for floorplans.

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Ah - Sketchup! The first tool that I checked out when I got the 3d printer. It confused me too much, and I ended up with Tinkercad. After a year with scratching my head, and learning quite a few basic concepts, coming back to Sketchup was a pleasant suprise. It’s somehow seems quite right in the middle of Fusion 360 and Tinkercad, in terms of functionality and ease of use.

Now it remains to see how well i get Sketchup to work with the inside details of the construction.

We are super happy with the house. We’ve been fearing that all necessities didn’t function, but after a little digging and talking with the neighboors, it seems that it’s not as bad as we thought. PHEW!! Still - a looot of work remains. We are planning to make rooms on the attic, and keep the main big room as an open space. The place is right in the middle of the Lyngen Alps, a quite nice area.


The easiest intuitive thing I found when I did home renovations was this:


It’s official. Today it was warmer on the north pole, than my in home town:


Will it be gone by midsummer? I have shoveled quite a lot of the lawn…


Glad it’s you I’m to old for that anymore but you have a beautiful yard and home

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When shoveling snow off the lawn, where do you shovel it to? I usually shovel snow off the driveway and walkway and onto the lawn…

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Over the neighbors fence🤫

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You’re lucky, you have far fewer lawyers than we have in the US.

No I live in wisconsin I can only jest at it my neighbor would blow it back like a ping pong ball

We do love our sports! :roll_eyes:

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I tried running my snow blower through the dog yard once. Sheared both pins! Break up in the dog yard is horrible.

Yes, the lawn is always the deposit area for the driveway (north side of the house). We’re so lucky to have a small river next to our place, that we can shove the lawn-snow down into. Swoosh it goes! This has been the most snow rich winter in many generations, very annoyin on top of the corona and the world falling to pieces!