Primo or Burly?

Trying to decide which way to build the MPCNC. Size would be 24"x24".
Could someone describe the main differences/benefits between the Primo and Burly?
The Primo seems to be the most up-to-date, but what I gather from the forum, the Burly has more rigid and beefier printed parts.
Which on would be a better choice for milling aluminum (or does it matter)?
The X-Y steppers are mounted differently, is there an advantage to either?

Thanks for any help!

Primo. Way more rigid.

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The primo has many incremental improvements over the Burly with only a minor increase in the cost to build. Its increase in stiffness will make it a bit better for aluminum. Judging from forum posts, aluminum is on the outer edge of the capabilities of the MPCNC. Some get it working, other struggle. The size (particularly the Z height) play a big role in the success of milling aluminum. Going forward you will find more support for the Primo. There is a longer answer concerning Primo vs Burly in this forum topic.

Thanks guys, will check out that post. I would only be milling thin aluminum like 3-7mm for faceplates.